Learn how DOS's consultation services can help improve critical skill areas that the employer and employee may encounter.
As you approach the diverse nature of your staff. A key element of the term diversity recognizes that the various individual temperaments, perceptions, knowledge, cognizance, and skill levels are all uniquely designed. These unique attributes are not presented to create barriers but are available to create new possibilities. Diversity Outreach Services helps guide the consultation process by highlighting the specific skill areas that an employer or employee may encounter.
5 Skill Areas An Employer And Employee May Encounter.
#1 The Management Process or Style:
Companies are faced with various challenges and are working hard to meet the diverse needs of their employees. Diversity Outreach Services exhibits a greater awareness of the responsibilities and complexities that exist within an employer and employee relationship. DOS attends to the delicate nature of these relationships by valuing and building on the diversity that exists within each workplace dynamic.
#2 Communication: Communication can be easily defined as the imparting and exchanging of information.
When you add humanistic tendencies into the communication equation, you then need to consider the following communication factors: clarity, perceptions, processing avenues, and the various forms of expressions. As you look at the diverse nature of our society, it is easy to see the communication process also exists within that same realm.
#3 Performance: Performance is an action or process of carrying out or accomplishing an action, task or function.
Diversity Outreach Services believes that one’s performance can be based on many factors and, in most cases, is strongly influenced by the internal perceptions an individual carries forward regarding oneself and his or her surroundings. Once again, the diversity that exists within these perceptual frameworks can strongly influence one’s professional performance.
#4 Life’s Balance: Balance is a common archetype and can be easily recognized as a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions.
A common example of correct proportions is to try to keep a balance between work and relaxation. Diversity Outreach Services begins Life’s Balancing process by building professional value, time management avenues, understanding one’s internal rhythms and how these rhythms influence one’s daily life, and the outward expression of one’s personal and professional value.
#5 The Complexities of Life:
Diversity Outreach Services recognizes the complexities of life on a personal and professional level. Businesses have invested a great deal of time and resources into acknowledging and supporting their employees through life’s occurrences. These resources have been brought forward generously and genuinely. Unfortunately, these generous offerings have not reached the core needs that exist in these diverse situations. Diversity Outreach Services would like to assist employers and employees in building a balanced foundation that will honor all participants.
The Summary of Workplace Skills:
Businesses are presently supporting a diverse workforce.
Management processes and styles are evolving.
Communication has taken on many forms.
Workflow and performance levels vary.
Life situations can influence one’s personal and professional goals.
Work Consultation Avenues:
Basic Consultation Services:
One to Three-day process that involves an overview of the situation. The Diversity Outreach Service’s Performance Coach will begin with an observation, provide consultation services with the employer and employee, develop an initial plan, implement a plan, and review the outcomes of the plan.
Extended Consultation Services:
A more lengthy process that involves an overview of the situation. The Diversity Outreach Service’s Performance Coach will begin with an observation, provide consultation services with the employer and employee, develop an initial plan, implement a plan, and review the outcomes of the plan.
Personalized Employee Training / Performance Coach:
This short-term or extended one-on-one service will begin with an observation, provide consultation services with the employer and employee, develop an initial plan, implement and support the agreed-upon plan, review the responses to the plan, and work towards the desired outcome.